[ Mihael Kirić @ 27.03.2004. 11:03 ] @
| Ćuo sam da će napraviti film Dragon Warrior u kojem će glumiti Bruce Lee,
oživljen čarolijom digitalnih efekata.
Dali je već taj film izašao i ako nije kad će izaći???
[Ovu poruku je menjao Mihael Kirić dana 27.03.2004. u 18:17 GMT] |
[ Cartman @ 27.03.2004. 12:00 ] @
jedna animacija, pretpostavljam da ima veze sa tim filmom...
ima veze sa tvojim potpisom u svakom sluchaju
[ Mihael Kirić @ 27.03.2004. 13:20 ] @
Pa u kojem programu da otvorim tu animaciju???
[ Miroslav Ranković @ 27.03.2004. 16:50 ] @
[ Mihael Kirić @ 28.03.2004. 15:28 ] @
● Dragon Warrior (working title)
Release : the year 2004
In <Dragon Warrior> the legendary martial arts star, Bruce Lee is going to be digitally resurrected to star, his first film since his death more than 28 years ago.
<Dragon Warrior> has been developed over the last four years and President Shin made every efforts to turn Bruce Lee into a virtual action hero. Korean and Japanese writers are developing the script and plan on widening its appeal to English-language audiences. <Dragon Warrior> will mark the first time a already passed-away celebrity has been brought back to life for a major role in a feature-length film.
Instead of digitally tweaking old footage of the deceased star, <Dragon Warrior> literally recreate Bruce Lee using computer-generated technology. The computerized Lee will be indistinguishable from the real deal and will be inserted seamlessly into the live-action film.
Shannon Lee tells Variety, her family warmed to the idea because "we believe in ShinCine's and Mr. Shin's enthusiasm and commitment to making a first-rate film."
Bruce Lee, who became an international martial-arts sensation star in such films as Enter the Dragon, Fists of Fury, before his untimely death at the age of 32, will come back to life in <Dragon Warrior>.
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