[ ADNAN_IM @ 28.03.2015. 10:20 ] @
| Pozdrav,
AEG Electrolux lavamat L6420
s-No 51339263
914 033 298 00
Mašina pere i radi sve kako treba do preostalog vremena oko 14 minuta,zatim počne da pišti i izbaci grešku E50,blica i lampica ENDE. Našao sam negdje na forumu da se pomoću ovog broja od 9 cifara može približno tačno odrediti kvar,pa ako neko zna i ako je imao iskustva nek pomogne. Hvala |
[ test1234 @ 28.03.2015. 12:21 ] @
Nešto u liniji motora, moze biti bilo šta .
Motor power triac short-circuited
Yet again, this refers to the triac on the electronic controller and not a DIY job.
No signal from the motor tachometric generator
Tacho coil on the motor is most probably faulty. This coil reads a magnet as the motor turns to detect the speed that the motor is spinning at and this in turn allows the electronic controller to set the motor to revolve at different speeds for the various program options.
Problems with the sensing circuit of the triac which powers the motor
Another one that is a fault being reported on the electronic controller and not a DIY repair.
Motor relay contacts sticking
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