[ R A V E N @ 28.03.2016. 03:16 ] @
Supreme goals
Knowledge acquired
Uncertainty A-life
God from God
Blood-cell size
Diffeomorphism invariance

Powerful. Selves evolved. Creatures
Downloaded versions of our minds

Constructing high technology
Neomorph fractal patterns
No human life expectancy

Independent. Accurate. Calculating. Interations
Organic conquest. Denied
Resulting of undivine
Endless chain of discipline

Distributed against
Inorganic totalitarianism

Simulated emulated
Unnatural laws
A golden rule
The initial phase
Programmed ectogenesis
Inorganic: chaotic portals

Universal declaration of robotic rights
Overcoming human limits in all their forms

Independent of human being
Contained and dominated sectors

Activation energies: protoplanetary disks
Over-replication autonomously
Chaotic colonization
Robots and nanomachines scattered
Throughout the galaxy
Predicting interactive forces

Simulated emulated
Unnatural laws
A golden rule
The initial phase
Programmed: ectogenesis
Inorganic: chaotic portals.

(Wormed - Neomorph Mindkind, album Krighsu)

Izgleda puno bolje ovako u obliku teksta nego "odpjevano":

[ R A V E N @ 28.03.2016. 04:35 ] @
Da li bi ovo ušlo u čitanke za gimnaziju kad dođu na red najavljene reforme obrazovanja i, što je najsmješnije, kakva bi bila reakcija nastavničkog kadra?

[ Kovacevic Vladimir @ 28.03.2016. 05:55 ] @
Nije mi baš jasno, po kom kriterijumu si ovo svrstao u poeziju?!

Ako (uopšte) misliš da Tema zaslužuje, ili će privući neku posebnu pažnju, predlažem da je staviš u MZ forum, pa ću ovo brisati.

[ radgosta @ 28.03.2016. 21:40 ] @