[ MajorFatal @ 09.10.2022. 12:41 ] @
Kad se rio tinto uvukao u zemlju niko nije obratio pažnju i posle samo 16 godina iskrsli su prvi ozbiljniji problemi. Sada je i kompanija black rock došla da traži radnike, tiho i nečujno, u vreme kad se i otvaranje obućarske radnje slavi kao investicija, investiciona firma što poseduje par rudnika, i par skromnijih medija tipa cnn, bbc, i nekoliko banki, i tu i tamo po koju državu i vojsku dolazi tako što traži radnike preko linkedin? Pa mogli su lepo da ispišu oglas rukom i nalepe na banderu, takvi su običaji ovde kad se traži radnik .. Nemoj posle 26 godina da bude kuknjave kao nismo znali čime se bave, zna se čime se bave, mojim finansijskim dobrobitom .. Ali ako je neko ostao nezaposlen u ovo zlatno vreme može da se zaposli, pretpostvka da je plata možda veća i od 600 eura .. malo li je na ovu krizu? Product Owner, Vice President As a Product Owner, your role consists in Understanding the business requirements and translate them in well-defined product features ready for implementation. Dialoguing with Product Management as well as with other Internal and External stakeholders to build the implementation plans. Working in the Engineering organization to define the backlog of the Agile Squads and follow up on the implementation of the features end to end. Collaborating with Developers, Quality Assurance Engineers, Scrum Masters, CI/CD Engineers and UI/UX designers to achieve of the planned developments. What will you be doing? Requirement’s analysis and translation in Product Development items. Building and monitoring development plan for the target features. Follow up with Engineering lead and Product management on the realisation and go live of the features. Participation in the maintenance and evolution of the developed features Work in the teams, participate in Scrum events and ceremonies to guide the team in the realisation of the requirements Engaging with external stakeholders when required to refine requirements and gather feedback on developed features |